
How to Germany – Making Your new Home in a Foreign Culture


If you have (recently) moved to Germany, you might be feeling over-whelmed in getting your head around everything new: People speak a language you do not necessarily understand, behave in ways which are maybe not in accordance with what you are accustomed to and on top of the cultural adjustment required there are quite a few bureaucratical hurdles for you to master in setting up your new life, e.g. your health insurance, tv license registration etc. This webinar will offer a range of information, all aimed at supporting a smooth settling-in process. Input on simple day-to-day aspects to be aware of, e.g. waste separation and banking matters will be provided, but you will also receive some guidance on cultural differences which are worth bearing in mind when interacting with your new colleagues and friends.


Buchungsstatus: frei

Datum: 15.09.25

Veranstaltungstage: 1

Uhrzeit: 17:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr

Format: Fachvortrag

Veranstaltungsort: virtuell

Adresse: Wir senden Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten zu.

Buchungsnummer: VA_96335

Anmeldeschluss: 15.09.25

Kosten: kostenfrei

Referent/in: Linda Crawford

Medium: Internet

Themenbereich: Lebenslagen-Coaching

Zielgruppen: Beschäftigte der Vertragspartner, Beschäftigte pme

Anmerkungen: This webinar will be recorded. After the live event you have 14 days to watch the recording.

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