
Breaking the Stress Cycle - Burnout Prevention in Daily Life


“Hard work never killed anyone“ is an old saying which indicates that stress and challeng-es are necessary for new things to be achieved. In a business context it can be very com-mon and in fact considered a noble trait to say that “you have a lot on your plate” or that you are “up to your eyeballs in work”.
However, when you are so busy, you might also be familiar with the nagging feeling that something has tipped your personal balance in an unhealthy way and that you might be at risk of a burnout. Maybe you have already experienced this low point and are concerned with how to catch it early enough in the future. Perhaps you are wondering whether this is now a predisposition which will leave you at risk for life? What can you do to better look after yourself going forward?
This talk will show you how you can activate your resources in order to combat the downward spiral, exit the burnout cycle and remain healthy.


Buchungsstatus: frei

Datum: 24.11.25

Veranstaltungstage: 1

Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr

Format: Fachvortrag

Veranstaltungsort: virtuell

Adresse: Wir senden Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten zu.

Buchungsnummer: VA_96332

Anmeldeschluss: 24.11.25

Kosten: kostenfrei

Referent/in: Linda Crawford

Medium: Internet

Themenbereich: Gesundheitsmanagement

Zielgruppen: Beschäftigte der Vertragspartner, Beschäftigte pme

Anmerkungen: This webinar will be recorded. After the live event you have 14 days to watch the recording.

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